Ecobiology and sun protection

The sun boosts the production of vitamin D. But too much exposure can result in oxidative stress and premature aging. Everyone – all skin types and all ages – needs to wear broad-spectrum protection to enjoy the sun’s benefits while limiting the risks.

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Understanding skin and sun exposure

Your tan is your skin’s own healthy method to protect itself from the sun. UVA and UVB rays interact in different ways with the skin. They can alter the skin’s DNA, and oxidize proteins. Collagen and elastin deteriorate and your skin ages prematurely. Applying a sunscreen adapted to the skin’s ecosystem protects your skin’s long-term health.

patent sun active defense

Stimulate skin’s resources to protect its health lastingly

Our sunscreen solutions at NAOS contain our Sun Active Defense patent. Only four carefully selected clean filters ensure tolerance and respect aquatic systems. Biological care boosts skin’s own protective mechanisms. Formulas are adapted to all skin types (acne-prone, sensitive, aging…) and all ages (babies, children, adults).

Boosting skin’s own protective processes.

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UVB rays are responsible for short-term damage: sunburn and peeling – that is the skin’s alert that you’ve had too much sun exposure. Only 15% of UVB rays penetrate to the dermis, they are absorbed by your DNA, and can alter it. As for UVA rays and long-term damage, up to 50% of them reach your dermis. Free radicals form, causing oxidative stress and therefore premature aging. For any suspect pigment spot or mole, consult a dermatologist.

Sun exposure is essential to your health, up to a point. Choose an appropriate Sun Protection Factor (SPF) depending on your skin tone: the higher the number, the longer you’re protected. “Broad spectrum” protection blocks both UVB and UVA rays.